UEFA-related News
The Board of Administration of UEFA Club Competitions SA (UCC) today held its first official meeting in Cardiff, following the recent incorporation of the company.

UCC is a subsidiary company of UEFA where half of the members of the Board are appointed by UEFA, and the other half by the European Club Association (ECA).
Board of Administration:
UEFA: Fernando Gomes (Chairman), Martin Kallen, Giorgio Marchetti, Stewart Regan, Michele Uva
ECA: Pedro López Jiménez (Vice-Chairman), Michele Centenaro, Dariusz Mioduski, Michael Verschueren, Edward Woodward
Management Board:
UEFA: Sharon Burkhalter-Lau, Simon Drake, Guy-Laurent Epstein
ECA: Stefano Bertola, Michael Gerlinger, Raul Sanlleh
UCC's role is to advise and make recommendations to the UEFA Club Competitions Committee on strategic business matters / opportunities for its consideration before being referred up to the UEFA Executive Committee for approval.
UCC does not deal with sporting matters, but only with business matters.